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The Second Intelligent Species

by Dale Langlois


Sunday, December 28, 2014

Why is it so hard for some to look at evidence?

If a loved one was murdered, one would want the forensic team to look for as many clues as is scientifically possible to find the killer. Remember when DNA evidence didn’t exist? Maybe I am aging myself; heck, I remember a day when our TVs were black and white, and to use the phone, you had to check to see if somebody on your party line was using it. If you listened in to their conversation was dependent on your personality, Facebook drama long before its time.

As I have told you before, we have very philosophical discussions at work. As always, I take the side of an atheist who needs to have some sort of proof before I put all my eggs in one basket.

Again as I have told you before, some people will not look at the evidence. I cannot prove my points unless they look at what I am putting down.

One person in the lunchroom said, “What difference does it make to me?”

Many people ask the same question.

My answer is this: Shouldn’t we know who we are and where we come from if we are to tackle the challenges of the future? I believe we are here on our own. We are so a primitive species, the first on Earth to use our intelligence and hands to change our world. I’m sure we will find out we are not the only life in the galaxy before I die. Will this change our vanity?

‘We have also arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. This is a prescription for disaster. We might get away with it for a while, but sooner or later this combustible mixture of ignorance and power is going to blow up in our faces.’ Carl Sagan


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