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The Second Intelligent Species

by Dale Langlois


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Something to think about

  Just what if we do find other life in our solar system, or other intelligent life orbiting around a star, many light years away? How would that change your view of who we are as a species? Take a look at some of the estimated numbers on this link: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110220/ap_on_sc/us_sci_cosmic_census
  Our description of the universe as we know it has changed several times in the past, lately it seems to be changing every year.
  I study science, and am still amazed at what the findings are showing, as are the scientist making the discoveries. The human species is going to experience an overload of data coming in from our scientific experiments. The problem will not be in the collection of said data, but the explanation of what that data means to the layman.
 One problem is proving the data true enough to get it in the media. Today's media uses most science related stories as fillers if there is nothing better to take up the time slot. I'm sure if some Reality TV celebrity fell on her ass, it would get more time. How unfortunate.
  Check out this link: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20110211/sc_nm/us_russia_poll_education_science
  Do we want to get to this point? Ignorance is not bliss. We must keep up. I wonder what the numbers would be if we took the same pole the Russians did. China is knocking on our door when it comes to advancing in science studies.
  I am not a political person, nor a religious man, but from my point of view, it's time to believe in some of the data, and consider...what if they're right. How could a monumental discovery change the way I look at my view of reality?


  1. Russia is a scrambled place due to a number of issues, not just religion. I wish some Christians would realize that the Bible is not a science textbook, although it is true, and the first true words are "In the beginning, God created..." Re. the other species idea--it would not destroy my faith. In terms of faith and physical science, I'd recommend John Polkinghorne, a renowned physicist who is also an Anglican priest.

  2. Thanks, I may look him up. I have another idea for a book proving morality is necessary for the continuation of the human species, with or without religious beliefs. "The Better Beave Effect", just the title sells it.

  3. The media is incredibly frustrating...unfortunately, they're catering to what people want to watch. A sad state...

    Found your site over at querytracker. Have you heard back from Russell Galen yet?? I'll be querying him later this month...putting the final polish on my ms.
    The Survival Mama

  4. Unfortunately, Mr. Galen informed me he had my material, but not the time to look at it soon, if ever. Writer's expectations are always higher than they should be. Good luck with him. He can make a nobody into a household name. If you get in the front door, don't forget the Beave. Thanks for looking in.
