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The Second Intelligent Species

by Dale Langlois


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Expanding my Platform

  Speculating what the future might be like or could be like due to certain possible events, is basically what I did with my first two novels. You can read about my first novel "The Second Intelligent Species" by clicking the link.
  My second novel deals with a possible food source needed to feed an overpopulated planet in the next couple of hundred years. "Frozen Harvest" has been in the works since October 09. An example of how committed I am to the story, is the fact that on 12/5/09 I accidentally lost all 7000 words. I started from scratch and am now past where I was; the story seems better.
  Another project is a non fiction about the success of my son Christopher. "Call me Chris" is a true story about the life of a young man with Downs Syndrome. With the help of everyone who knows him, I will try to take the reader from his birth to present day where he lives independently with his sidekick Carlos, (a Mexican Chihuahua). This spring Chris played Amazing Grace on the piano at his grandfather's final services; his performance was flawless.
  Some say writers shouldn't jump genres, but this is a story that needs to be told. I want to answer some of those questions I had when Chris was born, for new parents who are asking the same questions themselves with the birth of their own new special needs child. I know I was looking for answers, and I bet they are too.
  I may set up a separate blog for each project in the future, for now my goal is to pick up followers on these two. Pass the word. Thanks.


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